Friday (October 10th) after work Andy and I headed to the coast for a weekend of camping. It was supposed to pour rain that weekend but we decided we would face the elements anyways. When we arrived at the campground, it already dark. Thanks to our trusty headlamps we were able to set camp up pretty quickly. Once we had everything setup we crawled in bed and went to sleep-- we were both pretty tired. Falling asleep listening to the waves crashing onto the beach was so relaxing, it was almost hypnotic in a way.
The next morning we work up to find that it had rained while we slept, lucky for us that was the only rain we saw the entire weekend and our tent stayed dry. We grabbed a quick bite to eat and then headed to our favorite beach and lighthouse.
We didn't go onto the beach this trip, the waves were 12' high and a warning for sneaker waves and rip tides was issued. On a positive note, the Heceta Head Lighthouse was open for tours. We decided to hike up to the lighthouse and tour it. This was Andy's first time ever going inside a lighthouse and he thoroughly enjoyed himself. If you ever get the opportunity to climb to the top of a lighthouse, you really should-- it's one of those experiences that is just too good to pass up.
The stairs. |
Looking up the stairs. |
The light. |
After we finished our tour we watched the waves below crash into some large rocks. A few times when the waves crashed we saw fish go flying into the air, it was entertaining.
Next, we decided to go find the Hobbit Trail and see what it looked like. This trail is supposed to be really pretty in the spring/early summer and we hope to hike it then.
Me. |
Andy. |
Me & Andy- not sure what is going on in this photo but I like it! |
The rest of the day was spent thrift shopping. We picked up a few really cool things for my Mom for Christmas-- she collects milk glass and we found some really awesome pieces. I think she will be really surprised.