Yesterday was mine and Andy's 7 year wedding anniversary. We weren't able to do anything fun and exciting this year and that is okay. We have a 4 week old baby boy and it is hard to get out with a newborn.
It is hard for me to believe that it has been 7 years! In a lot of ways it feels like it was just yesterday that we became friends, started dating, got engaged and found ourselves married. But in other ways I can believe it has been that long. We have done so much, come so far and grown as a couple and individuals in so many ways.

In the past 7 years we have both graduated from college, paid off our student loans, had a baby, bought a house, purchased a car, visited another country (Canada), visited 7 states (Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, and California), lived in 2 states (Oregon and Utah), moved 5 times, climbed 3 mountains (Timpanogos, South Sister, Mount Saint Helens), we almost died in a severe storm on top of a mountain, we have seen the redwoods, gone sky diving, white water rafting, dog sledding, ridden in a hot air balloon, we learned how to do our family history, we rode our bikes over 100 miles in one day, and we have done several other bike rides and 5ks.

Life has been an adventure thus far but it hasn't been without its struggles. I'm so grateful to have you in my life! I don't know where I would be without you. You keep me grounded and level headed. Your one of my biggest cheerleaders and confidants in life. I am so glad we are on this adventure called life together! I can't wait to see what new and exciting chapters life has in store for us! I love you Andy!