Andy and I were able to sneak up to Eastern Washington for a few days over the holiday weekend. I honestly can't remember the last time we were able to make the trip, I would guess it's been about four years. Four years is a long time to not see your Nana!
We started driving Friday night after work and drove until we were too tired to keep going. We found a hotel in a small town and crashed for the night. The next morning we work up and hit the road.
We spent Saturday with my cousins Amy and Jesse and their kids-- all of the kids took an instant liking to Andy. They introduced us to Disney Ponyo, which is super cute! We went on a date that night with Amy and Jesse to a cute little Greek restaurant in Idaho. The food was really good! I think I ate most of the red pepper hummus. Mmm hummus!
Sunday we went to church with the cousins. The meetings were super good! I felt so spiritually uplifted. It was so nice to be able to go to Sunday School with Andy, our current church callings don't allow us to attend very often together.
That evening we went over to visit Nana. It was so good to see her! We stayed up way too late chatting it up.
Monday morning we went to a Memorial Day breakfast at the local park. I enjoyed stuffing my face, listening to the national anthem and veterans speak. We are truly blessed to live in this great country!
John waiting in line for some breakfast. |
The temple had special hours for Memorial Day, we were able to meet up with a bunch of cousins and work on family names. It was a really neat experience, especially on Memorial Day to remember those who have gone before us.
Spokane, Washington Temple- I remember when visiting it when it was still under construction. |
The afternoon was spent with Nana. We asked her what she wanted to do that day and she wanted to get some flowers for her pots outside. We went to several different nurseries to find the perfect flowers, it wasn't an easy task. Then Andy and I became Nana's hands, due to some medical conditions she doesn't have much use of her hands. It was so fun to beautify her yard and see her smile!
Me and Nana. |
We ended the day with a barbecue at Jandre and Forrest's house. All of the extended family was there including my cousin Cade who recently returned home from his mission. Nothing like good food, family, and the making of memories.
S'mores in progress- Eli, Esme, Graye. |
Esme and Jandre. |
Graye, Logan, Forrest, Cade, and Esme. |
Eli. |
John. |
Asher & Esme. |
Jessica. |
Esme and Amy. |
Esme. |
She sure loves s'mores. |
Graye and Esme. |
Esme and John. |
Her future career: hair stylist. |
Some of the crew. |
Aunt Stacey and Aunt Renee. |
More of the gang. |
Party around the fire pit. |
Rishel, Uncle Todd, and Andy. |
I love the candidness of this photo! |
Cade, Me, Eli, and Graye- I really am one of the shortest people in my family. |
The next morning we said our good byes and made the looonnng drive back to Oregon. Hopefully we can make the trip again soon.