July 3, 2015

The Five Love Languages

You may have figured out by now that I love setting and achieving goals. I don't usually share what my goals are on the blog until I have accomplished them, but I want to share this one with you.

I love to read! Like I really really love to read! I spend all of my breaks at work reading, I guess you could say I'm addicted to reading. I learn so much when I read that I can't help but want to read more. This past fall as I was looking though my bookcase, I realized I had read almost every book on the shelves-- kind of ridiculous I know. And no, I  don't keep every book I have ever read if that were the case I would need my own personal library.

Anyways, as I was looking though my book case I noticed that the majority of the books I hadn't read were the books on relationships that people gave us when we first got married. Andy and I have a great relationship and neither of us have really felt the need to read any of said relationship books.

After staring at these relationship books for several minutes I thought to myself, "Why not read them? Why not read all of them? That would be a great goal!" As you may have guessed "Read all of the relationship books we own" made its way onto my list of goals.

I recently finished reading my first relationship book, The Five Love Languages  by Gary Chapman. I know reading a book on relationships may sound like drudgery, but this book was AMAZING! I learned sooo much!

Even if you have a great relationship with your spouse, there are little things you can do to make your relationship even better. I learned a lot about myself as I read this book. This book is a must read!